Sally Stetson Design Graphic Design, Logos, Branding I create visual communication for businesses and products. I love all facets of design and strive for collaboration that brings design to life. Phone: 802-760-9557 Address: 57 Chaffee Road, Morrisville VT 05661...
Sweet Enemy Art – Kristin Richland Illustrative Painting, Fantastic Animals Map # 11 With mythology from several cultures as my starting point, I use animals as the characters in my paintings. Animals are so entwined in our subconscious that many people...
Utiger Fine Art – David Utiger Imagined New England Landscapes Paintings, Drawings and Block Prints Phone: (802) 379-3717 Address: 253 Hapgood Pond Rd, Peru VT 05152 Email:
Vermont Artisan Designs & Gallery 2 American Art and Craft Vermont Artisan Designs — along with Gallery 2, upstairs — is an extensive showcase of quality, juried crafts and fine art. In addition to the furniture, artwork and sculpture found in Gallery...