Amy Mosher Art

Amy Mosher Art

Amy Mosher Art Paintings, Vermont Landscapes Amy Mosher’s oil paintings feature scenes of small farms and rural life in Vermont.  (802) 875-4631 118 Jewett Rd, Chester VT 05143
Ann McFarren

Ann McFarren

Ann McFarren Paintings Paintings – Oil and Watercolor For over 50 years, I have painted the Vermont landscape with its trees, mountains; its many brooks and lakes; all liberally sprinkled with charming little villages. (802) 773-2197 56 Terrill St, Rutland, VT,...
Brenda Myrick Artist

Brenda Myrick Artist

Brenda Myrick Artist Representational and Abstract Paintings   Fourth generation Vermonter, artist, and animal communicator. My inspiration is drawn from the land and the animals that “speak” to me. (802) 458-1415 7824 Plank Rd, Bristol Vt 05443...
Brian Hewitt Kind Art

Brian Hewitt Kind Art

Brian Hewitt Kind Art Landscape Artist Brian Hewitt is a self-taught artist living in North Bennington, Vermont. Vibrant landscape paintings with a unique perspective. Realism with a little imagination of mostly Vermont and some New England locations. (207) 229-4047...
Carrie Pill

Carrie Pill

Carrie Pill Colorful Vermont Life Oil Paintings Fall Open Studio Map #36 As a skier, mountain biker, nature enthusiast and gardener I am rewarded with abundant joy, energy and painting inspiration year round.  I paint to share the magic of a full moon ski, the bliss...