Kathleen Fleming Art

Kathleen Fleming Art

Kathleen Fleming Art Contemporary Mixed Media Paintings Fall Open Studio Map #21 Inspired by the forms, shapes and tones of the landscape, I use playful and exaggerated color and composition to create contemporary mixed-media paintings. Phone: (802) 343-3950...
Linda Blackerby Art

Linda Blackerby Art

Linda Blackerby Art Contemporary Mixed Media Artist I am a contemporary mixed media artist primarily working with acrylics and collage to create energetic expressive abstract art. ​ (802) 233-3406 45 Windridge Rd, Essex Junction VT 05452 lblackerbyart@gmail.com...
The Painter’s Light Gallery

The Painter’s Light Gallery

Alyssa DeLaBruere Studio – The Painters Light Gallery Landscape Paintings, Collage, Printmaking I am a traveling landscape artist working in oil, watercolor, collage, and printmaking who seeks to capture the light and beauty of the natural landscape –...
Shattuck Studio and Gallery

Shattuck Studio and Gallery

Shattuck Studio and Gallery – Carolyn Shattuck Artists Books, Prints, Painting WINGS H  7.5” x W  6” x 1.5”    with slipcase Acknowledging the endangerment of the Monarch butterfly Red River paper, transparent film, Lama Li paper, ribbon Poem: The...
Tessa Holmes

Tessa Holmes

Tessa Holmes Paintings, Photography, and Collage Tessa Holmes is a multidisciplinary artist who works primarily with paints, photography and food. Inspired most by the seasons and plants of Vermont. (802) 343-2315 433 SW Shore RD, Hinesburg VT 05461...