New! Advertise With Open Studio Weekend

Tour Booklet Ads & Website Space Available

For the first time, your business can take advantage of the audience of Spring and Fall Open Studio Weekends. Act now to get on board with advertising in our tour booklet. Space is limited!

Sign ups will be first come, first served.

Tour Booklet: Space reservations are due by March 24. All materials and fees must be received by March 28.

Please check out our ad requirements here

Web Based Ads are on a rolling schedule.

A. Printed Tour Booklet – 3 Choices

The tour booklet is the event guide, containing maps, directions to studios, and contact info for art sites. We print 7500 copies of the 8 x 9 inch, 32-page booklets, distributing them at state welcome centers, small galleries, and participant studios, and mail copies upon request.

For example, here is the 2024 Fall Open Studio Weekend tour guide.

After publication, a pdf of the booklet is available for download from the “Visit Open Studio” landing page.

B. Web Based Options – 3 Choices

Event Google Map

Choose any of the three options described below and we’ll add you to our google map

Past google maps continue to receive views up to and after Open Studio Weekends. These maps are promoted by social media, are linked to the landing page for Open Studio Weekend, and are used extensively during the events by visitors. Fall 2024: 17,619 views, Spring 2024: 25,449 views.

“Visit Open Studio” Landing Page

2024: 232,000 views, 24,000 new views. This is an overall growth rate of 120.3% over 2023.

“Loops” Landing Page

Loops are local tours that visitors may be able to tour in a day or afternoon. The Loops Landing Page has a state map showing all the local loops and their page links. This page is linked from the “Visit Open Studio” landing page.

Local Loop Pages

Local Loop Pages show profiles of artist participants and have area maps. Ads will appear at the bottom of the page. This page is linked from the Loops Landing Page.

Contact Person for your business