Frequently Asked Questions
Images: Left: Gerry Martin, Nature’s Turn, Center: Terry Zigmund, Burlington Community Glass Studio. Right: Jeremy Ayers Pottery.

Q. I’m planning on opening my studio and inviting a few artist friends to join me. How does that work?
A. If your friends do not pay membership and Open Studio fees, they can join you but we won’t put them in our promotion. One option for you and your friends would be to place an ad in the map with information about who will be at your site. Ads start at $185.
Q. I don’t have the kind of studio that I can open for visitors. Are there any other options for me?
A. You could become a “guest artist” at another’s studio. That fee is $65 + membership $75. The only difference between this and a regular registration is that you won’t have your own map number but will share your host’s number.
Q. My site is an art center that includes several artists studios onsite. What are my options?
A. As part of Open Studio registration, you could purchase an ad in the map booklet to further describe your offerings. Ads start at $185. Or some of the studios could register as guest artists and each will have separate information under your listing.
So we prefer that all your artist friends would stay in their own studios and open them during Open Studio Weekend because this is a better way to meet our goals for the event – promoting the work life of Vermont artists and the handmade object.
The heart of our Open Studio event is the studio. We promote the studio because it is a way for visitors to see and better understand the life and work of being an artist. The positive results of this are many.
In practical terms, many visitors decide where to go by looking at the map to see where there is a concentration of studios. For this reason, it is much better to have a cluster of sites in a town.