Gregg Wapner Self Taught Watercolor Artist I began painting with watercolors in 1981. Though I mainly paint with watercolor, I have on occasion painted with oil and pastels. (802) 257-4405 345 Sunset Rd, Brattleboro VT 05301. Green Design I paint...
Gretchen Alexander Art Fine Art Painting, Illustration I paint with acrylics, watercolors, and gouache exploring the interconnectedness of the natural world. My educational background in the natural sciences highly influences my work. (802) 304-8071 112 Nashville Rd,...
Growing in Process – Mira Cabrera Contemporary Abstracts & Natural Pigments I create abstract paintings for those who love wild & beautiful spaces, using a combination of traditional paints and pigments that I grow or forage myself. Explore at...
Hail Mary – Mary Tapogna Mosaics: Lamps, Portraits, Animals I honor the traditional mosaic art form by striving for tedious intricacy, while incorporating contemporary unorthodox materials, and subject matter. Portraits and lighting are my specialties. (971)...
Jean Forsberg Colorful. Vibrant. Lyrical. Passionate Color and mood weave lyrically as if on a point/counterpoint journey to discover a dynamic yet grounded moment in their dance where they hold! Phone: 518-226-2768 Address: 132 West Fairlee Rd, Fairlee VT, 05045...
Jeanne Amato Woodblock Prints, Solarplate Etchings Jeanne Amato lives and creates in Sharon, Vermont where she finds inspiration for her work all around. Schedule an appointment to visit and find an inspiring image to collect. Phone: (802) 299-6444 Address: 2826 Allen...