Paintings by Linda Watterson

Paintings by Linda Watterson

Paintings by Linda Watterson Soft Pastel Art My works are a reflection of the often unnoticed beauty and peacefulness of the  world around us. (561) 485-9753 214 Silver St, Bennington VT 05201 Green Design...
The Painter’s Light Gallery

The Painter’s Light Gallery

Alyssa DeLaBruere Studio – The Painters Light Gallery Landscape Paintings, Collage, Printmaking I am a traveling landscape artist working in oil, watercolor, collage, and printmaking who seeks to capture the light and beauty of the natural landscape –...
Peter Evans Pottery

Peter Evans Pottery

Peter Evans Pottery Handthrown Stoneware Pottery I made my first pot on a potter’s wheel when I was fifteen and this week I’ll make my most recent pot.  In between has been fifty years of teaching, raising a family, building a house and a studio. I make functional...
Phase Three Glass Works

Phase Three Glass Works

Phase Three Glass Works – Ken Haggett Custom Stained Glass Art Work Phase 3 Glassworks handcrafted stained glass from the heart of Vermont. Custom stained glass and classes for all abilities. Studio rental space available. (802) 888-7733  P.O. Box 165, 239 Cross...
Plank Rd. Art Stand

Plank Rd. Art Stand

Plank Rd. Art Stand – Brenda Myrick Roadside Art Gallery and Gifts A unique art gallery in a converted horse trailer, parked in front of the artist’s home in Bristol, Vt. (802) 458-1415 7824 Plank Rd, Bristol Vt 05443
Positive Purls

Positive Purls

Positive Purls  Kate Latz Felted Gifts and Accessories Felting gives me the magical power of alchemy: changing one material into another from strands of fiber to fabric or a solid piece of beauty. (802) 839-9967 253 Softwood Rd, Elmore VT 05657