Susan Bull Riley

Susan Bull Riley

Susan Bull Riley Paintings of Birds, Botanicals and Landscapes I paint in oils and watercolors, with a focus on Vermont’s natural world.   (802) 249-8449 1550 Center Rd, E Montpelier VT 05602
Susan Sawyer

Susan Sawyer

Susan Sawyer Botanical Drawings and Watercolors I make drawings and paintings of native plants — and some animals — focusing on forms, life histories, and patterns. They are carefully observed and finely rendered on paper, using graphite, silverpoint,...
Susie Caron – Vermont Artist

Susie Caron – Vermont Artist

Susie Caron – Vermont Artist Pet and Wildlife Paintings Susie E Caron, Vermont Acrylic Artist, creates commissioned pet and wildlife paintings in glowing color and realistic style, celebrating life and love shared.   Phone: (802) 393-7014 Address: 484...
Sweet Enemy Art

Sweet Enemy Art

Sweet Enemy Art – Kristin Richland Illustrative Painting, Fantastic Animals Map # 11 With mythology from several cultures as my starting point, I use animals as the characters in my paintings. Animals are so entwined in our subconscious that many people...
Teal Emlyn Illustration

Teal Emlyn Illustration

Teal Emlyn Illustration – Teal Emlyn  Painting, Printmaking, Illustration, Design I am an all around 2D artist, specializing in Painting, Printmaking, Illustration and Design. I teach drawing and creative mixed media to adults. (802) 392-8058 3478 Camp Brook Rd,...
Tessa Holmes

Tessa Holmes

Tessa Holmes Paintings, Photography, and Collage Tessa Holmes is a multidisciplinary artist who works primarily with paints, photography and food. Inspired most by the seasons and plants of Vermont. (802) 343-2315 433 SW Shore RD, Hinesburg VT 05461...