Patricia Lebon Herb Acrylic Paintings, Prints and Greeting Cards Patricia LeBon Herb is an artist and poet who lives in Middlebury, Vermont. (802) 989 5188 326 Weybridge St, Middlebury VT 05753
Pika Works | Joan MacKenzie Whimsical Animals, Colorful Paintings Pika Works is all about animals that Joan has photographed around the world. She uses bright colors and whimsy to capture their personalities in paintings. She also creates photo stories from her...
Rachel Barlow Art Abstract and Landscape Paintings I paint abstract and fine art landscapes in whatever media suits me on a given day. My work often used multiple media and develops in layers. My divergent focuses reflect the analytical and passionate sides of my...
Raven’s Nest Studio and Gallery – Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams Original Watercolors, Pastels & Oils Kathrena Ravenhorst-Adams’ special love is the expression of nature through art. She graduated from Mary Baldwin College and earned a Masters Degree in Art...
Readsboro Glassworks – K William Lequier Sandblast Carved, Sculptural Glass Glass artist K. William LeQuier uniquely conveys the raw emotion of a single moment in time with each of his sculptures. The power of his work is in the quality and expression of...
Robert Linde, Artist Pastel Compositions From Nature Landscape and figurative compositions in soft and oil pastel. I abstract my paintings from life and improvise on their rhythms, colors, textures, spaces and architecture. (304) 995-9517 68 Pleasant Valley Rd,...