Ruby Charuby Weavings | Ruby Leslie Handwoven Scarves, Shawls, Home Textiles Nationally known for her superb use of color, Ruby’s scarves are stylishly sophisticated, woven with lustrous, iridescent color gradations, eye-catching patterning, and luxurious...
Spare Thread Studio – Karen Kurak Hand Made Woven, Dyed Textiles Spare Thread Studio creates hand dyed, hand woven wearables. Collage, cards & other soft stuff are also created in this no waste, makers haven. (513) 720-5533 744 Stickney Brook Rd, Dummerston...
Tatterworks – Nancy Plotsky Repurposed Natural Fiber Clothing I repurpose preloved natural fiber clothing into women and children’s whimsical coats, jackets, dresses, tops, tunics, scarves, and wristwarmers, which are full of pattern play and color....
Under The Moon – Amanda Weisenfeld Functional Art, Hand Felted Rugs I am a traditional rolling, pounding, hand felter. I create functional art that is a pleasure to look at: rugs, pillows, place mats, and wall hangings. Crows, Ravens, foxes, birch trees, and the...
Vermont Rughooking Studio – Sandy Ducharme Rughooking, Wool, Supplies, Instruction I have resided in Cabot, Vermont most of my life and love rural Vermont living. My involvement in fiber arts has grown to include painted floorcloths and wool hooked rugs. I...