Gail Salzman Studio Oil Paintings, Gouache, Monoprints I create abstract paintings combining vibrant colors, sensuous textures, and transparent layers. My fifty-year practice is informed by memories and observations of the natural world. (802) 829-0697 269 Burnor Rd,...
Gallery at the VAULT A Vermont State Craft Center Step into an historic 1907 bank and find hand-blown glass, scarves, pottery, slate, wrought iron, wooden ware, baskets, felt animals, quilted wall hangings, mobiles, photographs, fine art and more, including a walk-in...
Ginger Elaine Creations – Ginger Fruncek Intuitive, Recycled, Fabric, Mixed Media ART, Joyfully Connected, created soulful expressions intuitive use of many art materials included but not limited to paint, thread, multi media and textile works. Conscience and...
Ginny Joyner Illustrations, Watercolors, Prints, Classes Ginny graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1986 and has been a freelance illustrator and teacher for over 25 years. She has visited many places around the world, observing, painting and finding...
Green House Pottery – Frank Saliani Handmade, Thoughtful, Functional Porcelain I focus mostly on creating functional work that is as wonderful to have as it is to hold, and will naturally find its place in one’s daily life. (802) 225 6034 203 Barre St,...
Gregg Wapner Self Taught Watercolor Artist I began painting with watercolors in 1981. Though I mainly paint with watercolor, I have on occasion painted with oil and pastels. (802) 257-4405 345 Sunset Rd, Brattleboro VT 05301. Green Design I paint...